You Can Buy With Confidence When You Purchase Your WiFiBlast From! Fake goods also called knockoffs, replicas, imitations, counterfeit, and “designer inspired” items are on eBay and Amazon in droves, mostly because sellers don’t know any better. Regardless of the name you use to identify counterfeit goods, they’re becoming more and more commonplace on the internet, and not just on eBay and Amazon. Counterfeit goods can be found on the street, on eBay, thrift stores, Facebook groups, Craigslist, garage sales, church sales, and consignment shops. Why Is It Wrong to Sell Counterfeit Items? Nobody is getting hurt, right? Well, maybe not directly but the counterfeit industry fuels other underground and illegal activities including hacking, prostitution, human trafficking, weapons, child labor, gangs, and street drugs. When you buy a counterfeit item, you are supporting all kinds of illegal activities. Difference Between Original WiFiBlast and Counterfeit...